
Learning Management Systems – CLE


About usage of CLE

No registration is required to use the lesson support system CLE. The class information of the Academic Affairs Information System and the registration information are linked once a day, and the pages of all classes offered at Osaka University are available on the CLE.

Before registration, only the faculty member in charge can access the page, but once registration starts, the registration will be reflected on the day after the registration by the student, and the student can access the class page.

Is there a tutorial on how to use it?

Details of how to use CLE are posted on the support center on CLE.
If you have a personal ID of Osaka University (OUPID)
My Handi or log in from https://www.cle.osaka-u.ac.jp.
If you do not have a personal ID of Osaka University (OUPID)
select the entrance for those who do not have a OUPID.。

マイハンダイ上のリンク Link on my handi

●Language switch (English)
In addition, in the upper left corner of the CLE dedicated login page, there is a Japanese / English switching icon for the login screen. By clicking this, you can display the English login screen.
However, even if you switch to English and log in, the display language of CLE will not be affected, when you log in by using OU PID. You can switch language through a “setting menu” that can be displayed by clicking your name near the upper right corner of the home screen. Please, note that class names are not multilingual and will be displayed in Japanese as on KOAN.

CLEオリジナルログイン画面 CLE original login screen

You can also access the Support Center, which has a manual for teachers, from the link below.