
Education and Research Activities

Data Generation and Collection Core

Data Creation Sub-Core

ICT Infrastructure Sub-Core

Data Analysis Core

Data Science Sub-Core

Research DX Sub-Core

  • Computer Assisted Science Research Division

    Provides support for supercomputer usage and faculty development for computational applications in scientific problem-setting and solving, and conducts education and research related to mathematical and computational models in scientific problems.

  • Large-Scale Computational Science Research Division

    Provides operational support for supercomputer systems, promotes large-scale computational science, and conducts education and research in computational science, particularly in the boundary areas between physics and information science.


Data Utilization Core

Education DX Sub-Core

Business DX Sub-Core


  • Datability Platform Research Division

    Multiple Concurrent Faculty Members

  • The Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis

    This joint research laboratory conducts research and development on computational infrastructure and data infrastructure for academic research utilization where academic researchers create new social value through industry-academia collaborative research, international joint research, and regional collaboration, while utilizing the D3 Center’s supercomputing system (SQUID).

  • Strategic Planning Office

    We work to promote data-driven interdisciplinary collaborative research that aims to create new knowledge and dramatically improve problem-solving capabilities by integrating diverse and broad expertise and research capabilities from inside and outside the university.