Education and Research Activities
Data Generation and Collection Core
Data Creation Sub-Core
Synthetic Data Engineering Research Division
Develops technologies for realizing Real-Scale Social Simulation (RSSS) using large-scale high-performance computing, generates synthetic population data (virtual individual record data) from published statistical information, and works on various data generation based on synthetic population data. Additionally, engages in generating diverse data through agent simulation incorporating human decision-making and behavioral models based on social science insights.
ELSI Research Division
Identifies and researches ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) in the utilization of personal data and AI technology, from data acquisition to technology and service implementation in society, developing institutional frameworks, mechanisms, and evaluation methods to address these issues proactively.
Transconnect Datability Research Division
ICT Infrastructure Sub-Core
Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division
This division conducts research and development on next-generation supercomputing systems, advanced high-performance computing infrastructure systems centered on supercomputing, and their applications while leveraging the construction and operation of the D3 Center’s (reorganized from Cybermedia Center in October 2024) supercomputing systems, large-scale visualization systems, and data infrastructure. As a cooperative course “Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems” with the University of Osaka Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, this division also develops human resources to lead and pioneer in this field.
Advanced Network Environment Research Division
Conducts education and research on digital twin generation/application/infrastructure, Beyond 5G/6G networks, and provides operational support for the university network ODINS.
Secure Platform Architecture Research Division
This laboratory addresses cybersecurity from a broad perspective, covering research topics from low-layer analysis such as machine language level to networks, and upper layers including applications, Open ID, rights management such as DRM, privacy protection, and AI security including countermeasures against fake content. We provide education that enables students to be active even after completion by actively cooperating with domestic and international security events. Additionally, we plan and manage operations to enhance information systems and security across the University of Osaka while supporting the smooth execution of support services for the entire university’s information and communication systems, shared facilities maintenance, operation, and user support.
Data Analysis Core
Data Science Sub-Core
Intelligence and Sensing Research Division
Datability Platform Research Division
Conducts research on platform technologies for collecting, analyzing, and sharing data from physical space utilizing IoT and AI towards the realization of Society 5.0, as well as researching data ecosystems for promoting open science.
Initiative for Life Design Innovation
Engages in research aimed at designing quality of life (QOL) improvement through the utilization of Personal Life Records (PLR), focusing on physical health, mental health, social health (communication), and environmental health to build an exciting future society.
Research DX Sub-Core
Computer Assisted Science Research Division
Provides support for supercomputer usage and faculty development for computational applications in scientific problem-setting and solving, and conducts education and research related to mathematical and computational models in scientific problems.
Large-Scale Computational Science Research Division
Provides operational support for supercomputer systems, promotes large-scale computational science, and conducts education and research in computational science, particularly in the boundary areas between physics and information science.
Data Utilization Core
Education DX Sub-Core
Cybermedia Education Research Division
Conducts research and operations related to building advanced information education environments utilizing cybermedia, implementing information education and information ethics education, and faculty development (FD).
Language Education Support Research Division
Develops ICT-based language education environments and provides support for language education and teaching material development. Also conducts education and research on foreign language learning and plurilingual learning.
Business DX Sub-Core
Cybercommunity Research Division
Promotes research on community design for architecture, cities, and society using ICT applications, conducting research ranging from urban and social infrastructure development to VR technology and disaster evacuation simulation.
Digital Transformation Research Division
A division dedicated to advancing business and social innovation through digital technology, engaging in cutting-edge research and practice. Aims to promote DX within the university and contribute to local society through value creation and problem-solving utilizing data and the latest technologies such as generative AI.
Datability Platform Research Division
Multiple Concurrent Faculty Members
The Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis
This joint research laboratory conducts research and development on computational infrastructure and data infrastructure for academic research utilization where academic researchers create new social value through industry-academia collaborative research, international joint research, and regional collaboration, while utilizing the D3 Center’s supercomputing system (SQUID).
Strategic Planning Office
We work to promote data-driven interdisciplinary collaborative research that aims to create new knowledge and dramatically improve problem-solving capabilities by integrating diverse and broad expertise and research capabilities from inside and outside the university.